Python commands for the standard datetime module in Python
Convert string to time and vice versa:
from datetime import datetime
.strptime() - converts string to time format Usage datetime.strptime(variable, format) such as: date_dt = datetime.strptime(date,'%m/%d/%Y' )
.strftime() - converts time to a string format Usage datetime.strftime(variable, format) such as: datetime.strftime(variable, '%m/%d/%Y')
Alternative on converting from time to string, use the output standard ISO-8601 such as datetime.isoformat(variable)
Working with datetime components
Important to make sure that you present data in the viewers native timezone.
We can use the different pieces of time, for example in a dictionary we can use datetime.month() as the key gives the time on the local computer
datetime.utcnow() gives the time on the local computer but in utc time
In order to work with timezones effectively, use the pytz library Such as: from pytz import timezone We can then use the timezone constructor and pass it a name such as: CT = timezone('US/Central')
chicago_usa_tz = timezone('US/Central') - gives the timezone of Chicago
Making the item "aware" for Chicago Such as: chicago_dt = orig_dt.replace(tzinfo=chicago_usa_tz)
Convert the chicago time to NY time Such as: ny_dt = chicago_dt.astimezone(ny_usa_tz)
The important part above is that chicago is being replaced when it's being aware of chicago, so we create an aware datapoint. Then we use our new chicago datetimeobject and pass it as the time in New York. The usage of this is to show different datapoints across timezones, for example in train departure times.
Adding and subtracting time
Useful in comparing month to month and other datetimes. A common usecase is to get data from 30, 60 or 90 days back in time.
from datetime import timedelta
timedelta is used to represent an amount of change in time
Set timedelta to a number of days Such as: flashback = timedelta(days=90)
Libraries to make datetime easier
import pendulum
Timezone hopping with pendulum
.in_timezone() - gives the current time in the specified timezone
.in_words() - humanizes the datetime object into readable format